Homeschooling: Alternative Learning

Education without a school bell, Home Education, is probably the most ancient form of obtaining knowledge. It originated long before the first secondary schools came into life. Homeschooling has been the only way to learn for hundreds of years and used to be only available to well-off, well-to-do families with enough money to hire a private teacher or to parents with the time and the skills to teach kids at home. Why has this form of education become a valid subject for discussion within families, the teaching community, and students? Keep reading, we have an alternative private education solution! And it can work for thousands and thousands. You will learn how you can become part of it!

The pandemic aftermath required Alternative Homeschooling Solutions

Various forms of homeschooling

Well, as the entire education system switched to distance learning during the Covid-19 quarantine, there was a ringing silence in the classrooms. Denial, anger, bargaining, and depression – school children and families have experienced it all. However, now everyone has accepted the new reality and adapted to it.

There are many educational platforms that offer the entire school curriculum, including language, mathematics, geography, history, natural sciences, etc. Additionally, online schools are reputed for effectively preparing their students for graduation exams. And if earlier homeschooling was not a standard format, now education at home has become a proven trend. More and more often parents choose this method of education for their children.

Why have kids schooled at home?

From the parents’ words, children generally like to study online, perform interactive tasks, and study electronic textbooks. Some of the reasons are protecting the child from physical and moral pressure at school; the desire to give their son or daughter knowledge on their own but the main factor in my opinion is dissatisfaction with the quality and level of public school education. The latter reason is crucial of course. If I could turn the time around, I probably would have never put my son through a public high school during his last four years at secondary school in the U.S. even if he spoke English as a second language which in my mind was disqualifying him from any other educational option. Unfortunately I was wrong and I did regret the decision I made later.

The downsides of public education in my particular case could be the subject of my separate blog, but for now let’s go over the general pros, and cons of homeschooling.

The advantages for alternative homeschooling education, in my view, are as follows:

  • This is one of the best upsides of this learning: families can take time off when homeschooling while parents of schoolchildren cannot. Children can learn anytime from anywhere as long as they have their laptop with them!! Gosh, I wish I could do it as a schoolgirl decades ago!
  • More effective curriculum development. The teacher or parent in the course of teaching understands what material the child is failing at and what they have mastered well. As a result, the student is distinguished by higher academic performance and quality of knowledge;
  • A program tailored to your specific needs also allows you to honor valuable time. As a result, it becomes more convenient for visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc. A ten-year program is quite possible to master in a short time;
  • The opportunity to study subjects not taught at school, but are necessary, according to parents — for example, rare or ancient languages, architecture, art;
  • Individualizing the schedule in accordance with the biological clock results in children staying healthier;
  • No conflicts with teachers, peers, and older schoolmates. This can negatively affect the psyche of children);
  • A homeschooled child avoids the adverse influence of peers in undesirable companies;
  • Education respects the traditions shared by the family. This is especially critical if the family is part of a religious community or an ethnic minority;
  • Outside influences on religious views and beliefs, as well as their criticism and ridicule, are excluded;
  • Close contact and trusting relationships with parents are easy to maintain.

The disadvantages however are:

  • Communication problems with peers. Despite what some may say: the child is isolated from society, doesn’t sit in a room, and does not communicate with friends and neighbors, etc. This is probably true.
  • Homeschooling can lead to infantilism and selfishness when someone constantly supervises you;
  • It takes a very organized and firm person to control a child because they are responsible for their education, and development. Not every adult is able to competently, professionally, and effectively manage the education of children outside of school;
  • Unfortunately, parents are not always able to professionally teach, and answer all the questions of their son or daughter. This is only possible if you have a thorough knowledge of the curriculum, a broad outlook, and amazing erudition.
  • What 12-15 school teachers can give a child, one parent can hardly give, no matter what knowledge, wisdom, and experience they may have;
  • High cost. Teaching materials, textbooks, and payment for the services of private teachers can be costly for parents;

Before making an education decision 

Of course, is up to parents to decide whether to transfer the child to homeschool. You can, for example, organize a “homeschool” say in the last month of the summer holidays. In the end, evaluate your own strength and the reaction of the child to a new learning format.

You can also take your child to an experienced psychologist before making a difficult decision. A specialist can evaluate the character of your child, as well as their temperament. Thus you can get advice on whether home learning is a good option for your child. The conditions have now been created for children to receive a high-quality, versatile private education from the comfort of their homes.

Modern home learning and homeschool programs

E-Learning is the future for homeschooling

A school graduate of the end of the last century would be very surprised to attend a 7th grade class today – so many modern gadgets are used in school today. For several years, school children have used Internet platforms, training sites, videos on YouTube channels, and other materials. They were used periodically in recent years and the demand for this learning substantially increased in recent years.

So, what should one pay attention to when looking at an alternative/online school for their child? How do we choose the right program?

In rating online educational and homeschooling platforms, it is helpful to consider the following criteria:

  • Academic subjects: only basic disciplines (mathematics, English language) are covered by a particular program or all school disciplines;
  • The age group program is for ordinary schools, classes are divided according to age, and good online schools follow the same system;
  • Presentation format: video conferences, viewing lesson recordings, electronic textbooks, etc.;
  • Functionality and user-friendliness of the platform. Is there an interactive whiteboard, an online simulator, or an electronic journal/diary, how is the homework check organized, is there flexibility to pick a teacher;
  • Communication forms between the student and the teacher: video or chat; is it possible to replace the teacher;
  • Whether a certificate or diploma certifying the completion of the course is issued.

Our alternative homeschooling solution

When it comes to the above requirements, we have a solution for many parents as well as undergraduate students. The program is called Brainfood. This is affordable win-win private online charter education. Parents and teachers who use the curriculums will receive assistance from the program. During the online homeschooling process, participants will have all the resources they need to succeed. Real live support during class sessions, the possibility of choosing a teacher to their liking, and PTA groups for parents are just a few examples. Worried about you child may not be able to take part in school sports activities? The children can still participate in sports through the local school or other institutions such as recreational centers for instance. In fact online learning makes it easier for children to build their learning around other activities they enjoy!

Making the world a better place

This is just the beginning. We are going to make the planet a better place. We already have teachers from various states and nations come into the program. As it expands, tutoring services, even in the summer, will be offered for children, undergraduate students, and adults. We are very selective about the teachers and encourage everybody who is looking for part-time or full-time income as a teacher to apply. This is so much more than home education –a PRIVATE Charter school and the teacher factor is Critical for us since it has a direct impact on our service. This is an opportunity for us all to get the broken system of public education throughout the globe back on track. It is going to be an accepted curriculum for anywhere in the United States.

Our Homeschooling Program Costs:

To access the curriculum and take online classes with accredited teachers, the program offers a reasonable price. It is a fair charge of $99 per family per month to access the curriculum, especially when considering the flexibility and customization of the learning program. A certified accredited teacher can also be available online for an additional fee. Families will be able to pick the teacher and discipline that best tailors to their child’s needs. So the costs are:

  • 1st Grade through 8th Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 9th Grade through 12th Grade: $129 Monthly
  • Our kindergarten class will be FREE on zoom with just the initial $99 monthly fee.

We also want to make a point that some states may issue grants or other funding for alternative private charter school learning.

For Payment Assistance, you can check the funding sources for homeschooling and private learning options below:

What is in it for teachers?

We are hiring teachers and tutors!! The benefits of a more flexible and comfortable work environment and a generous compensation plan make this opportunity an ideal way to supplement the teachers’ retirement income while continuing to do what they love. Or, they can choose instruction at our charter school full-time. We have partnered with a nation-wide private online program, as alternative to homeschooling that provides medical, dental, telehealth services at a very reasonable cost. Thus you don’t have to worry about this end of it. We’ve got it covered. And, if you are willing to do some marketing work — this is an added bonus for you. You can choose to market our things and services and get extra pay for it!!

Our school gives teachers a wide range of opportunities to share their expertise and knowledge with a wider audience while also providing them with a comfortable work environment, flexibility, benefits, and compensation.


We are currently recruiting teachers; access more information about it on this page. Please apply by pushing the Green Button below and be sure to email your resume to the address indicated at the top of the form. Also, use this contact form for information on the many opportunities available — we will respond as soon as we can.

Therefore, If you feel you meet these qualifications and criteria and would like to partner with us to spread this amazing program, please visit this site to apply.