EMF protection has become a buzz word but what this short abbreviation (EMF) actually stand for? “Electromagnetic fields”. Essentially, we are talking about radiation. Some radiation sources we normally hear about are UV light (from the sun), X-ray radiation from medical or dental procedures, and radioactive radiation. These electromagnetic fields are piercing our entire bodies organs, including our brains. And more often than that we are not even aware of this negative impact. So speaking about EMF protection, it is a common truth that it is Better Safe Than Sorry.
We and EMF Mitigation
The physics of electromagnetic impact
The fact is that the human body reacts normally to natural electromagnetic fields. But as they become more powerful they may negatively affect persons with weaker immune systems, older people and “weather sensitive” people. Almost in the exact way the same organism would react to the impact of an artificial electromagnetic field, which can by far exceed the strength of natural radiation.
The physics of the impact of EMF on our bodies is simple. Our tissues, as you may know, consist of water and are conductors of electricity. Therefore, the body reacts to electromagnetic fields by circulating the low electric current through the body. The specific amount of current, the type of current flowing, and the part of the body in which currents are induced depend on the frequency and the power of the source.
What we know about EMF protection
Since the Earth began to be faced with the intensive electromagnetic fields relatively recently, little research on the impact of electromagnetic fields on a human organisms has been conducted. It’s been growing, however. It is known that exposure to intense EMF causes certain symptoms after a short time such as fever, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, memory and attention disorders. A prolonged exposure to EMF can cause migraines, infertility (in men and women), problems during pregnancy – miscarriages, and brain cancer.
In 2011, the World Health Organization classified electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones as potentially carcinogenic i.e. causing cancer to humans. Today, more and more research is showing links to EMF radiation and disease from everything from asthma to cancer. We also see studies that have shown the dangers of too much high frequency radiation, for example: pregnant women should not have x-rays, as this radiation can harm the fetus. However, we don’t know that much about the cumulative effect of lower frequency radiation over time which could be substantial as well.
It’d be safe to assume that the key reason that we do not often hear at all about EMF dangers to humans is that the manufacturers of advanced technology would not want us to know of it. It would not be in the best interests of the multi-billion industries heavily invested say in the production of advanced technology that may cause the radiation. So we have to take this responsibility for our own health and the health and lives of our family members and the people around us. Start researching this issue now!!
How to understand the EMF danger?
There are two ways to determine the harm from EMF.
Firstly, buy a dosimeter to measure radiation and check the devices at home and at the workplace to see if these measures are in line with applicable standards.
Secondly, check your health. More than one negative symptom that you experience should tell you that there may be an EMF issue. Especially if they happen over a change of job or of your place of residence. The damage from the radiation gets accumulated gradually, so it will take some time for the symptoms to appear.
Potential symptoms
These symptoms may include as follows:
- the immune system ceases to cope with the simplest colds,
- the nervous system becomes more labile and receptive,
- the libido is decreasing,
- the endurance is deteriorating
- the work activities are substantially decreased.
Recommendations for EMF protection
In everyday life, there is no way to hide from the EMF. However, limiting the duration of exposure to home appliances and observing safe distances between yourself and devices or appliances is crucial. First of all, keep away from a working microwave oven, and do not sleep in the same room with a wi-fi router, which should preferably be turned off when the Internet connection is off.
Then, arrange your furniture and electrical appliances in the apartment thoughtfully: you do not need to place the bed against the wall if there is a refrigerator, computer or TV behind it – after all, the walls do not block you from low-frequency radiation. Take your laptop off your lap. Reduce the time of talking over mobile phones, and take breaks if the conversation lasts more than 15 minutes. Have your cell phone on a speaker so it is at a distance from your head. A landline telephone is definitely preferred over a mobile phone.
Also, stay away from high-voltage power lines, transformer substations, radar installations, and any antennas (except indoors). Especially, within the range of a parabolic antenna.
For those who, due to professional responsibilities, have to handle the sources of electromagnetic radiation, special care, and special safety rules apply under such circumstances.
Indoor and Outdoor EMF
Below is the list of household and industrial devices with the highest radiation intensity.
- A computer. Today, a PC is in almost every family, but few users know that a computer monitor transmits electromagnetic energy that is 500 times higher than normal.
- Microwave. In terms of its harmfulness, it is on the same level as a PC. During operation of the microwave oven, the surrounding space is filled with low-frequency radiation within a radius of 1.5-2 meters. In food cooked in a microwave, the amount of nutrients and vitamins is sharply reduced.
- Smartphones and tablets. Gadgets that are constantly with the modern user. EMR of cell phones is not much lower than PC radiation – only 250 times higher than the permissible norm.
- Even being in a room with extensive electrical wiring will result in unwanted exposure. Every wire that carries an electric current also causes harmful effects.
Additionally, we also experience electromagnetic waves of various lengths and ranges outdoors. The unwanted exposure occurs on the street, in the mall, and even on public transport. EMF shielding is not an option anymore.
Negative EMF impact
There are stunning and cost-efficient solutions that we must resort to. Some of the most popular products are all-purpose Bio Arc Discs. The small ones go to our Smartphones (stuck to the back) and to our laptops (stuck to the back).
Our research has also uncovered a great company that provides this protection.
The Power of Biohacking
I am excited to share a new find that just came out – wearable biohack tuün™ Resonate that can help protect your body from the negative impact of EMFs.
As an example, my colleague Gail after starting wearing her tuün™ didn’t see any changes. Yet in a couple of days she noticed that after spending a lot of time online she didn’t have the eye strain or slight headache Gail usually experienced. After having a shoulder surgery last year because of a fall and fracture, she was experiencing constant pain in it. However, when she’s wearing her tuün™ RESONATE, Gail does not notice the discomfort.
Other people I know who have chosen to purchase the tuün™ RESONATE have reported various improvements. Such as less back pain, reduced headaches, better sleep, less irritability, and more stamina during workouts. Though no medical claims can be made here, it’s hard to ignore the many positive effects experienced by those wearing this EMF Protection!
Biohacking EMF protection
With this EMF protector, I heal and feel calmer and after wearing it for a few weeks now I feel that I have better sleep when I am not “on” another biohack, zlēm®, and have not been experiencing accelerated heartbeat when I get nervous which often was the case. I think it’s good for my heart and rest, and my general well-being so I keep wearing it.
This wearable medallion is designed to bring balance, strength, and sleep while providing relief from stress, tension, and fatigue. tuün™ is my Optimal State Protector! Watch this video about it here; are these benefits on your current health insurance plan yet?
You can wear your tuün™ Resonate pendant around your neck, keep it in your pocket, or anywhere next to you so you may protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic vibration. Particularly if you are electromagnetically sensitive which a great many people in today’s world are. The medallion has an appealing and elegant design but the best part about it is it’s proven to work – for some within less than an hour. It’s shown to reduce discomfort and lower tension in the neck or the lower back and improve flexibility. I am a small person and wish it was a little smaller – maybe because I am not used to wearing pendants larger than half an inch in diameter but it stands out and you should be ready to receive compliments.
Learn more about the harmful effects of EMF and get your protection here.
EMF Protection: Power of Crystals
Now, what is your view of how energy works and how it can impact our lives? It may differ from mine however please consider that crystals play a part in it. If you do some research you will find scientific evidence regarding the correlation between the body’s energy and the impact of crystals.
Crystals affect your Energy
This fact is especially powerful. How does that work? You have to understand the crystalline metaphysical properties. First, the way the crystals are built affects energy movement. Following the basic physical postulates – energy cannot be created or destroyed, only altered. Crystals may aid in altering energy, as well as redirecting and holding it. It is the crystal structure that determines these functions. Crystals by the virtue of having their density and carrying their energetic vibrations can affect other energies such as your body which is virtually dense energy. They can raise the other energies to match theirs and consequently may serve as natural health and wellness aides.
Crystals, similarly, can “read” your mind and “hear” you. As they have strong, positive energy, the crystals magnify and amplify your energy so you may realize those intentions, manifesting them more effectively and faster. Wearing crystal products next to your body can have notable effects such as reducing EMF radiation which is harmful to our health.
Need to safeguard yourself from harmful EMF energy? Place crystals in areas where you stay most of the time such as the house, the office, and the car. This company offers products to decrease ambient radiation at all pricing ranges.
Watch this brief video about the power of energy-generating Orgone Pyramids and their uses!
Protecting from EMF: Healing Your Energy
We become more grounded, and calmer while staying protected with our Chi-O and “restoring our spectrum.”
The power of Healing Jewelry (Necklaces and Crystals) however is now amplified with Nutritional Supplements and Bio Hacking Solutions.
You may recall the times when you felt off balance but couldn’t nail down the exact reason why? We all have those times. There are many reasons to blame many things for our fatigue, brain fog, or negativity. We have the answer to it right here. Being a big believer in using Natural Products that are made the right way I would want you to go check out what I like to call the BIO HACKING EFFECT.
These three products have a synergetic effect and are the best on the market when taken of them together. These are FDA-certified nutrients and unlike many products sold online (through Amazon for example) produced in the USA by a very diligent company. For sure is a life changer if you take the 3 of them combined. Start creating the reality you’ve dreamed of Here and say goodbye to your old life!
Well, this blog is just a starter conversation about the impact and protection of yourself and your loved ones from EMF. We encourage you to take the issue seriously and do your research. And we will continue to monitor what’s new in this field and share it with our online community.